From Rotterdam to Yorkshire.

I am a writer of fantasy and science fiction. After living in the Netherlands and Germany and finishing my MA in Writing I have settled in Leeds, UK, where I work as a Brand Manager and spend my free time drawing up stories and drinking Yorkshire tea.

Since moving to Leeds I have found a kind and vibrant community of writers and readers. Notably Leeds Writers Circle has been a consistent support network.

Writing projects

In 2022 Marieke’s short story Unit 3TR00 was published on the Emerging World website.

She is currently querying agents for her historical fantasy novel while working on her second manuscript.

In my spare time, I like to…

Snuggle up under a blanket with the husband and pretend I own a fireplace by putting one on the telly


Go out for a muddy hike (with a good pub roast to follow)


Travel to new places to explore their bookshops & libraries